Full Reserve Banking Advocates Are Myopic: Here’s Why

23 Jul


From central bank governors, to the IMF, to brilliant contrarian economists, to well-intentioned activist groups, there is a growing chorus of voices calling for an end to fractional reserve banking … or, more correctly, fractional reserve lending.

These voices are of those suffering from myopia.

Their complaint is this; that the root cause of the world’s ongoing economic ills is that, due to fractional reserve lending, private banks have been permitted to create too much “money” (debt) out of nothing, and lend it for profit.

Alas, they are only seeing what is immediately in front of their eyes.

The creation of “money” out of nothing, is only a lever.

Usury (ie, net interest income), is what is being lever-aged.

Consider the words of the National Australia Bank:

How Banks Work

…Their profit is the difference between what they pay in interest on your deposits and what you pay them in interest for the loan they made you.

Creating money — debt — out of nothing, does not make profits for bankers.

Charging interest on money (debt) created out of nothing, is what makes profits for bankers.

For those with full vision, the Big Picture is clear.

Every “solution” to the economic crisis that does not focus on the real problem — usury — is a short-sighted, and inevitably short-lived, non-solution.

4,500 years of recorded economic history prove it so.

See An Historical Warning For Proponents Of A Modern Debt Jubilee

20 Responses to “Full Reserve Banking Advocates Are Myopic: Here’s Why”

  1. Tomorrows Serf July 23, 2013 at 6:06 pm #

    Good point.

    It’s the interest, (stupid)

  2. gusgrunt July 23, 2013 at 7:21 pm #

    You could equate usury as perpetual motion that is finite.
    The abstract is that man, in his ego driven vision of perpetuity, abstracts reality by using the energy of others to gain….. Gus

  3. gusgrunt July 23, 2013 at 7:30 pm #

    You could equate usury as perpetual motion that is finite.
    The abstract is that man, in his vision of perpetuity, abstracts reality by using the energy of others to gain.
    Money merely represents human energy…. nothing more.
    Usury is its Satan……. Gus

  4. Kevin Moore July 23, 2013 at 7:35 pm #

    “Every “solution” to the economic crisis that does not focus on the real problem — usury — is a short-sighted, and inevitably short-lived, non-solution”.

    A Mr Rothschild once said words to the effect; “Let me issue and control a nations wealth and I care not who makes its laws”.
    As I see it, if he now owns the world, then we not of the tribe, have become mere chattels to live and work according to his will.
    Rothschilds Bank products are government rules contrived to form a legal system to protect the elite [casino courts], enforced by a police force [ policy enforcers ] .
    The concept of private militia companies being granted the authority to act as an occupation army against the general populace is an idea first invented in the mid-19th Century in England upon the bankruptcy of the Empire by the Rothschild dynasty.
    “There is no authority if not from God [Christ]” Romans 13:1. Lending at interest is acting without authority, and if your God is Satan. then you are that Gods “Chosen People”.
    Isaiah 3:8-9, “For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen; because their tongue and their deeds towards Jehovah are to rebel against the eyes of His glory. The look of their faces witnesses against them; they have declared their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to their soul! For they have dealt evil to themselves.”
    “But whoever would become great among you let him be your servant” Matthew 20:26
    RIGHT LIES IN MIGHT — Pharisee law
    From Protocol 1. “……Our right lies in force. The word “right” is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than; Give me what I want in order that I may have a proof that I am stronger than you…………….
    Where does right begin? Where does it end?…….”
    “………..Our countersign is Force and make-believe. Only force conquers in political affairs, especially if it be concealed in the talents essential to statesmen. Violence must be the principle, and cunning the make-believe rule for governments which do not want to lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. This evil is the only means to attain the end, the good.”
    Protocol No. 22, “……….True force makes no terms with any right, not even with that of God; none dare come near to it so as to take so much as a span from it away……..”
    Luke 16:13-14 “….You are not able to serve God and Mammon. And the Pharisees being money lovers also heard all these things and they derided Him. And He said to them, You are those justifying yourselves before men; Yes, God knows your hearts; Whoever of the inner man is possessed by that highly prized thing is detestable before God.”

    .It’s just a matter now of how many compliant goyim are needed. A war to wipe out a large share of the worlds population is not too far away, I think.

    • Kevin Moore July 23, 2013 at 8:44 pm #

      “Civil Rights Alert – Militarized Police Gone Wild Across America”


    • gusgrunt July 23, 2013 at 9:09 pm #

      Yes….. the control of human endeavor goes back to Egypt, that I am aware of, and the rich goldmines that conceived a select secretive group who offered gold as a competitor to the energies of the people.
      This may sound, once again… abstract, but the realities were that they used human slaves to mine the ore.
      When you control human energy you control wealth and that is what they did by engaging mercenaries to brutally control the slaves and extract these ores for pennies in the pound……. history repeating with the Rothschild’s control of the English economy post the ‘Battle of Waterloo’ that they sponsored!
      My jury is still out on the Protocols but the message they offer is certainly satanic.
      Douglas Reed in his book ‘The Controversy of Zion starts his narrative ‘….. on a day in 458 BC’ describes …..,
      ‘The sect which attached itself to and mastered the tribe of Judah took this rising concept of one-God of all peoples and embodied it in its scripture only to destroy it and to set up a creed based on its denial’.

      We read in the Old Testament the total annihilation of tribal groups at the command of a God who promises his separatist followers the world as long as they obey him……. history repeating today and Palestine is the theatre….. the control of the Middle East not just for the wealth but to obey a messianic law that is so well described in Douglas Reeds book.
      There are only three countries now that do not have a Rothschild Central Bank….. Gus


      • Kevin Moore July 24, 2013 at 5:17 am #

        As I see it the Canaanites still live. Whereas wayback God commanded their destruction, today they for the moment have the upper hand and the desire to put an end to the accursed Christians as well as wanting all the land they usurped back again. Some brief details –
        Palestine — Shems Allotment — Taken by Force by Canaan, a Son of Shems’ Brother, Ham
        “But whereas Ham, Cush and Mitaraim took possession of the land fallen to them by lot, Canaan took with violence, possession of the land he coveted, along the sea-shore. His brothers remonstrated with him, and told him he would be accursed for having taken a lot that belonged to Shem and had not fallen to him. But he would not hearken to them; and dwelt in the land from Hamath to Egypt.” [Ibid. pp.44, 45.]

        For more precise details see:- “The Book of Jubilees.” Rev George H. Schodde’s translation from the Ethiopic —- Ch.8…… “This portion came by lot for Shem and his sons that, they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.”
        Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
        No blemished Judah blood [Judah/Canaanite] was allowed in the line chosen to antecede Jesus Christ.
        The Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b

        • gusgrunt July 24, 2013 at 2:09 pm #

          The Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b
          It most clearly describes the psychopathic behaviour of the power class as money is their tool to achieving their estranged agenda.
          Eustace Mullins book “The Curse of Canaan” explains this diabolical agenda and offers some understanding as to its being.
          Without usury they could not control us so it is up to the people of the world to understand that they have been conned and, hopefully, stop this madness….. Gus

          • Kevin Moore July 25, 2013 at 4:46 am #

            I found a download of the book. Thanks


            • Kevin Moore July 25, 2013 at 9:56 am #


              Re Eustace Mullins book – so far overall he is on the right track – but while parts are enlightening, from my viewpoint I found parts generally from a citing of scripture to be misunderstood.

            • gusgrunt July 25, 2013 at 12:55 pm #

              Hi Kevin,
              I have not the intellect nor experience to criticize Eustace Mullins only to consider what he is offering and decide if I am comfortable with it.
              Our history is vague on the scriptures and the interpretations over the centuries have been subject to criticism and change as our archeological disciplines improve with our evolving technology into the computer age.
              Ralf Ellis has written books on ancient Egypt and its influence on Asia Minor and Europe and has, on many occasions, refuted the established translations of the Scriptures and Biblical writings.

              However, I would be interested in your views as to Eustace Mullin’s interpretation as I am endevoring to put together a framework of the genealogy of the Tribe of Judah that I am comfortable with and can be support.

              Eustace Mullins was the first to write a book on the Federal Reserve titled “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” and was sponsored by Ezra Pound.
              This book is a scholarly expose of the Federal Reserve and is (?) available as a free PDF download.
              It is a masterful piece of writing and should be taught in schools…. you’re joking Gus!…. imagine telling our kids the truth.
              Available at the link you offered above….. Gus

            • Kevin Moore July 26, 2013 at 12:11 pm #

              Gus wrote –
              “However, I would be interested in your views as to Eustace Mullin’s interpretation as I am endevoring to put together a framework of the genealogy of the Tribe of Judah that I am comfortable with and can support”.
              This may be helpful. Could you please pass it on to him. Thanks.

              Chapters 4 – 6 “The Book of Adam and Eve” also called “The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan” S.C. Malan
              “Then after this Judah took to himself a wife whose name was habwadiya, that means, “house-wife” but in the law her name is Sewa. She was of a Caananitish family, and Jacobs heart suffered much on that account;and he said to Judah his son who had married that wife, “The God of Abraham and of Isaac will not allow the seed of this Canaanitish woman to mingle with my seed. But some days after this, Sewa bare three sons unto Judah, whose names were Er, Onan and Selah. And when Er was grown up, Judah married him, his first born son, unto a woman named Tamar,daughter of Kadesh Levi.
              And Er continued with her a long time, and behaved after the men of Sodom and Gomorrah. But God looked down upon his evil deeds and killed him.
              Then Judah married his son Onan to Tamar, saying, “He shall raise seed unto his brother.” But him also did God kill because of his evil deeds; on account of Jacobs curse, “That no Canaanitish seed should mingle with his own.” So God would not let any of it mingle with that of Jacob the righteous. Therefore did Tamar go to Judah her father-in-law, who had intercourse with her, not knowing she was his sons wife; and she bare unto him twins, Pharez and Zarah.” [Genesis 38:6-30]
              After this Jacob went to Joseph, and continued fourteen years in the land of Egypt, where he died at the age of one hundred and fifty-seven; when the good Joseph was fifty-three years old.
              Then when he was dead, Joseph called cunning Egyptian embalmers, who embalmed him beautifully; and then Joseph carried his body to the land of Canaan [Shems inheritance ], and buried him in the sepulchre of his fathers Abraham and Isaac.
              After this Pharez begat Judah, and Judah begat Ezrom, and Ezrom begat Aram; and Aram begat Aminadab; and Aminadab begat Naasson.
              And this Naasson was great among the sons of Judah; and the daughter of Aminadab married Eleazar the son of Aaron, who prayed to God until His wrath abated.
              Thus, O my son I have told you the genealogies from the first until now.
              After this there began to issue a race from Naasson, who was great among the sons of Judah; and from him began a kingdom and a priesthood, and the Jews became celebrared through him.
              Then Naasson begat Salmon, and Salmon begat Boaz of Rahab. And thou must know that from Boaz and Ruth the Moabitess, began the Kingdom whereby Lot, the son of Abrahams brother, obtained a share [in the generations] of the kingdom [of Judah].
              For God denied not seed to Lot, neither would He cut it short. For this Lot was righteous, and shared all of Abrahams troubles with him; and received the angels of God in Sodom and Gomorrah.
              Therefore did God give to Lot’s children fellowship in the kingdom, and that was [reckoned] for righteousness unto Lot the righteous. For this reason also were [ Lot’s children ] mentioned among the genealogies of the kingdom of Abraham and of Lot; for Christ was born of their seed.
              Then, again, Obed, Ruth’s son, was of Lot’s seed, on his mother’s [side]; and Obed begat Jesse ; and Jesse begat David the king. And king David begat Solomon; all these are of Ruth the Moabitess.
              Again, Amnan [Naamah 1King 14,21,31] , the daughter of [Dan], King of the Ammonites, was of Lot’s seed; and Solomon the king took this daughter of Dan to wife; and had by her, Rehboam, who reigned after Solomon.
              But king Solomon took to himself many wives, even hundred daughters of Kings, three hundred concubines, one thousand in number.
              But although Solomon took to himself many wives, they did not bare him a single male child, but Rehoboam, of Amnan, the daughter of Dan, king of Amnon; who was of a blessed race.
              Thus, again, God would not allow the seed of Canaanites to mingle with that of strange peoples, which God had made strangers. And this shows that Christ came of the seed of Abraham the blessed father, and of Lot his brother’s son.
              And all the families of the children of Israel in the land of Egypt, were Levi, Amram, Moses, Joshua, and Caleb, son of Jephunneh; all these were great chiefs over their peoples.”


              Jesus born of Davids seed – Psalm 132:11, Luke 1:32, Acts 2:30, Romans1:3
              Mary born of Davids lineage –
              From “The Book of Adam and Eve” S.C.Malan Ch.12-13-14
              “From the first transportation to Babylon, when they carried away Daniel’s mother, and she brought him forth, unto the second year of Cyrus the Persian, are seventy years, during which the children of Israel were captive, according to the prophecy of holy Jeremiah the prophet.
              And the children of Israel began to build the House of God, in the days of Zerubbabel, of Josiah the son of Zadok, and of Ezra the scribe. And they were forty-six years building it, until it was finished, as it is written in the holy Gospel – that they were forty-six years building it.
              Moreover, scribes arranged tables of genealogy, and recorded the names of the men ; but they could not record the names of the women because they knew them not, except very few.
              But, O my brethren, I have watched much, and I have searched long in the books of the Greeks and of the ancient Hebrews, and I have found the name of the women written in them.
              For I have found that when the children of Israel came from Babylon, that Zerubbabel begat Abiud of Maukab [or Malka ] the daughter of Ezra the scribe ; and that Abiud took to wife Tamita the daughter of Zadok the high priest, and she bare Eliakim. And Eliakim married Hasbia, the daughter of Aram, and brought forth Azar. And Azar begat Zadok of Lebaida. And Zadok took to wife Kalem, the daughter of Waikam, who gave birth to Akim.
              And Akim married Asbaidi, who gave birth to Eliud. And Eliud married Awad, the daughter of Gasulius, who gave birth to Azar.
              And Azar married Hayat, daughter of Walha, who brought forth Mattan; and Mattan married Sabartyal the daughter of Phulius, who brought forth twins, namely, Jacob and Joachim.
              And Jacob married Gadat, the daughter of Eleazar, who gave birth to Joseph the betrothed of Mary. And Joachim, the brother of Jacob, married Hannah the daughter of Makah ; and she brought forth the pure Virgin Mary ; and of her was born Christ.
              The former scribes however could not find a good lineage for the Virgin and her father, or kindred; wherefore did the Jews crucify Christ, and taunt Him, and mock Him, and say to Him, “show us the fathers of Mary the Virgin and her people, and what is her genealogy.” Therefore did they blaspheme her and Christ.
              But henceforth shall the mouth of those unbelieving Jews be closed; and they shall know that Mary is of the seed of David the King, and of that of the patriarch Abraham. Moreover, the unbelieving Jews had no registers to guide them aright, neither did they know, how the lines of kindred ran at first, inasmuch as the law and the prophets were three times burnt out from them.
              The first time in the days of Antiochus, who burnt out the whole House [of God ] ;The second time they burnt those books in the days of Qablar the great king of Mosul ; and the third time they burnt the books was at the transportation by king Nabukadanataor when Abumirdan came and burnt the House of God, and destroyed the walls of Jerusalem ;when Simeon the priest asked of him the store of books, and he gave them to him.
              But we will make known to you all the genealogies in detail. Judah begat Pharez, and Pharez married Barayah, the daughter of Levi, and begat Esrom.
              And Esrom married Kanita, the daughter of Zebulun, and he begat Aram. And Aram married Phozib the daughter of Judah ; and he begat Aminadab.
              And Aminadab married Thehara, the daughter of Esrom, and he begat Naasson. And Naasson married Simpar, the daughter of Yuhanas, and he begat Salmon ; and Salmon married Salphila, the daughter of Aminadab, by whom he had Booz.
              And Booz married Ruth the Moabitess, of the seed of Mot, and begat Obed ; and Obed married Abalit, the daughter of Sonas, and begat Jesse. Jesse married Habliar, the daughter of Abrias, and begat David the king.
              And king David took to wife Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, and begat Solomon. And Solomon married Nan, the same as Makiya, the daughter of Dan king of Ammon, of the seed of Lot, and begat Rehoboam.
              And Rehoboam married Makin, the daughter of Bilos, and begat Abia. And Abia married Malkit, the daughter of Absolom and begat Asaph.
              And Asaph married Nirona, the daughter of Sala, and begat Joshaphat.
              And Joshaphat married Malkiya, the daughter of Abiud, and begat Joram. And Joram married Phitalia, the daughter of Naphrim, and begat Osias ; and Osias married Sophia, the daughter of Habralias, and begat Jotham.
              And Jotham married Hadast, the daughter of Elkanah, and begat Ahaz. And Ahaz married Bikas, the daughter of Zechariah, and begat Hezekiah ; and Hezekiah married Basyar, the daughter of Bartenas, and begat Manasseh ; and Manasseh married Amasisan, and begat Amos ; and Amos married Nadyas and begat Josias. And Josias married Dalilah, the daughter of Kermias, and begat Joachim.
              And Joachim married Phurdia, the daughter of Phulek, and begat Jechonias and his brother during the captivity of Babylon.
              And Marsas who reigned over Babylon, released Jechonias from prison, and gave him to wife, a woman whose name was Dalilah, the daughter of Eliakim, by whom he had Salathiel.
              But Jechonias died at Babylon ; where Salathiel continued forty nine years after him, and married Hadast, the daughter of Elkanah, and begat Zerubbabel. And Zerubbabel married Mankab, the daughter of Esdras the scribe, and had by her Abiud.
              And Abiud married Hadast, the daughter of Zadok the high priest, and begat Eliakim. And Eliakim married Kwebedai, the daughter of Aram, and begat Azar.
              And Azar married Salambeta, the daughter of Zadok. And Zadok married Kalim, the daughter of Waikian, and begat Akim. And Akim married Zasbaidi, and begat Eliud.
              And Eliud married Awad, the daughter of Gasalias, and begat Eleazar. And Eleazar married Hayat, the daughter of Thalka, and begat Matthan. And Mathan married Sabartia, the daughter of Phunius, and had by her twins, namely Jacob and Joachim.
              And Jacob married Gadat, the daughter of Eleazar, and begat Joseph the betrothed [husband] of Mary.
              But Joachim married Hannah, the daughter of Makah, and begat the pure Mary ; here ends the genealogy of pure Mary.
              And here, O my brother, behold, I have settled for thee that which is true, and I have revealed unto thee the genealogy, and laid for thee the firm foundation, which not one of the writers and of the wise men could make known.
              But, O my brother, give me thy heart and make it clean, that I may tell thee what things remain, and how the reckoning of generations come all around to reach unto and to stand firm by the birth of Christ.
              But after the birth of Christ there remained no more trustworthy reckoning [of kindred] to the Jews. For Christ was the end of generations; He took it and gave it to us”.
              “……………………Thus the Magi when they read in their books, knew from them, that Christ should be born in the land of Judah.”

  5. Ross Johnson July 24, 2013 at 6:56 pm #

    Private banks should only be allowed to loan out money that already exists. Their creation of debt money from nothing, not only represents increases in our growth + productivity but also inflationary money which depreciates our spending and savings.

    While the official fractional reserve ratio is $ 1 of deposits to $10 of newly created loans, Fannie and Freddie had ratios of $1 deposits to $333 of new loans.

    Most of this new money for bailouts and “quantitative easing” has gone into inflating the derivative markets and the real economy has been starved of liquidity. The really big collapse is on it’s way.

  6. Kevin Moore July 25, 2013 at 12:21 pm #


    Part 1: Exposing the Transnational Capitalist Class
    Part 2: Identifying the Institutions of Control
    Part 3: The Influence of Individuals and Family Dynasties
    Part 4: Banking on Influence with JPMorgan Chase
    Part 5: Banking on Influence With Goldman Sachs
    Part 6: Banking on Influence With Bank of America
    In the second quarter of 2013, the third-largest U.S. bank by assets, Citigroup, posted a 42% increase in profits which CEO Michael Corbat praised as a “well balanced” result of “cost cutting” programs, including the firing of 11,000 workers.
    This big bank has a sordid history of predatory profiteering and criminal activity, not unlike all the other large banks. In the early 20th century, what was then National City Bank was the main bank for the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests. Over ensuing decades and mergers it eventually came to be Citibank, and in the late 1990s, Citigroup. At that time, the bank was dealing with accusations that it had aided in the laundering of roughly $100 million in payoffs by Mexican drug cartels…………”
    A 2005 report by Citigroup created the term ‘plutonomy’ to describe the modern state capitalist system in which there is only the rich “and everyone else”; an economy in which the rich increasingly become the consuming class, driven to a significant degree by “disruptive technology-driven productivity gains, creative financial innovation, [and] capitalist friendly cooperative governments.”
    Referencing the United States, the U.K., Australia and Canada as modern plutonomies, Citigroup global strategist Ajay Kapur noted, “The Plutonomy is here, is going to get stronger, its membership is swelling,” and while the “risks” of plutonomies include “war, inflation, financial crises, the end of the technological revolution and populist political pressure,” Kapur noted that “the rich are likely to keep getting even richer, and enjoy an even greater share of the wealth pie over the coming years.” Indeed, Citigroup would ensure that this was the case.

    • gusgrunt July 26, 2013 at 5:37 pm #

      Thanks Kevin….. I will compare this with what Mullins and Ralf Ellis have written as both have come from different positions of belief.
      I am a plodder so at some time down the track I will get back.
      I am still of the opinion that much of the scriptures have been mis-interpreted due to religious interests and agenda’s.
      The veracity of the Scaliger-Petavius chronology was questioned as early as the sixteenth century and one of the doubters was Isaac Newton.
      Scaliger-Petavius were Jew Jesuits and that alone is worth a thought or two as our ‘men in frocks’ burnt the books and indulged in a compromised chronology that suggests, to my battered cerebral, that usury today is just as much a religious agenda as it is a bankers one…. Gus

      • Kevin Moore July 26, 2013 at 9:34 pm #

        I firmly believe that Jesus is literally the Son of David.

        Jesus born of Davids seed – Psalm 132:11, Luke 1:32, Acts 2:30, Romans1:3

        • gusgrunt July 27, 2013 at 9:50 am #

          You may be correct but I will leave it to the scholars like Ralf Ellis to sort out.
          Rather than me rant on here are some extracts from Ralf Ellis’s book “Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs”.
          According to Ellis Jesus was a revolutionary and of the Ptolemy line, Egyptian/Roman, and also of Persian royalty.

          Ellis, Ralph (1997-09-09). Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs (Egyptian Exodus) (Kindle Locations 75-78). Edfu Books. Kindle Edition.

          Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs narrates a radically new interpretation of the biblical story and shows that it was really a tale of desperate power struggles between two Egyptian royal dynasties;

          Tempest & Exodus proves that all the Judaic religions, including Christianity, were based on an ancient Egyptian ritual. More importantly, perhaps, it also shows that the Egyptians knew of and wrote about the biblical plagues and exodus, and that the Israelites were paid to leave Egypt by the Theban pharaoh Ahmose I!

          The tombs of King Solomon and King David discovered in Egypt. The sarcophagus of the Queen of Sheba discovered in Egypt.
          Solomon, Pharaoh of Egypt sets out to discover the identity of the Queen of Sheba, and instead discovers a theological cover-up of immense proportions. Not only can the legendary Queen of Sheba be found in the ancient annals, so too can the elusive King David and King Solomon. The only problem for theologians is that this queen did not originate from either Saba or Ethiopia, and these famous Judaic kings did not come from Israel!

          The Bible describes a river flowing out of Eden to water the Garden, and then splitting into four branches (Genesis 2:10). There is only one river in this region that fits that description, and that is the River Nile. Following on from this observation, it became apparent that there were great similarities between the early sections of the Genesis account and the Hymn to the Aten. Indeed, it soon became apparent that Adam and Eve were actually the famous royal couple from the city of Amarna – Akhenaton and Nefertiti.

          The ministry of Jesus, as demonstrated in the last chapter, was not the one familiar from our religious education. Jesus was a Jew and, while he may have been a little radical at times, he tried to preach to the laity within the confines of the Jewish faith.

          Jesus had a mission that was deeper and more important to him than the Jewish faith, as practiced by most of the sects of that era, yet to the public he had to maintain the illusion of following the orthodox creed. Despite his Egyptian heritage, therefore, it is clear that he modeled himself on the prophesies in the Hebrew scriptures, deliberately designing his life to mimic that of the promised messiah.

  7. Kevin Moore July 27, 2013 at 12:03 pm #

    It seems were poles apart Gus,

    In my opinion the Garden of Eden had to be within the confines of later Israel borders.

    Another belief of mine is that the mountain Noah left is the same mountain he landed on – “faith will move mountains”. Mt Hermon was originally just south of the River Arnon on the eastern side of the Dead Sea [Lake Asphaltitis].

    • gusgrunt July 27, 2013 at 6:48 pm #

      It all started in Egypt Kevin and that is why it has been covered up by the ‘men in frocks’….. their version of history has been taught without any substance except…. ‘just believe’.
      Actually….. some scholars claim that Ireland/British Isles were the last remnants of Atlanta and it was from Atlanta that Egypt was colonized….the ‘Motherland’ as written in some Egyptian papyrus.
      Colonel James Churchward, Ignatius Donnelly, Comyns Beaumont, Anna Wilks,Conor MacDari are a few of the great scholars who were banned and character assassinated by the ‘usury criminals’ that were seeded by the devil in ancient Egypt.
      Yes, we are poles apart but that should make discussion more interesting…… we both could be wrong?…… Gus

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