Tag Archives: zeg

Guest Post – Fat Bottomed Girls Still Make The Rockin’ World Go Round

21 Mar

Submitted by collaborator and stylist, Zeg.


If you were unfortunate enough to watch one of the most one sided and non objective screenings of the ABC’s Q and A show last night then you are also privy to yet another disgusting display of  the twisted and bitter mind of Germaine Greer. This once General of the Sisterhood turned around last night and defamed PM Julia Gillard by telling us all with a grin on her smug face “Face it Julia, you have a fat arse.”. Nothing was gained from such a comment except for a quick giggle from the other collection of clowns on the panel.

Can you imagine what the outcry would be like if Abbott or Joyce or really any man had said the same thing? This would be headline news but for some reason this FORMER Feminist ( that is what she is now after this attack ) has managed to get away with this slur with bugger all outrage from the sisterhood and the useful idiots of the left.

I guess when you are that much of a legend in the minds of those who would rather see us all dressed in the same drab green clothes and carrying little red books, then you can just about get away with anything, even if it goes against all that you have claimed to be about for decades.

Seriously speaking though, this proves once again just how irrelevant, self deluded and out of touch Germaine Greer has become and that the Female Eunuch was never about the cause of equal rights for women but more about breaking down the family unit thus weakening the foundation stones of our Western Capitalist society….. MARXISM 101!

Greer is no longer paid to think but rather to cause controversy and to throw a spanner in the works of decent debate when she hasn’t appeared in the headlines for a while.Don’t take my word for it, go to this link if you feel so inclined to download the episode and see for yourself just what a horrible bitter person she really is now and for that matter how such a comment can pass unchallenged on this show of “objective debate???” and with this panel of “experts???”, without a whimper.



Twitter – @Zegcartoonist
Blog – http://zegsyd.blogspot.com/

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above article are the author’s own. They should not be interpreted as reflecting any views held by Senator Barnaby Joyce or The Nationals

Guest Post – Another Pledge To Not Trust

28 Feb

Submitted by collaborator and stylist, Zeg.


Geez, you really do want to believe her this time. I mean there is nothing healthy or good for our democracy to see such factional in fighting in any Governing party. Alas I naively believed her when she said that “there would be No Carbon Tax under a government I lead” because I just thought that once she said it and it was on the public record that she would not be so bold or stupid as to break that pledge….. well as they say the rest is history and so is she and her party come the next election because you just cannot believe that she will be able to command and control a caucus in which one in three members have lost faith in her leadership, plus the fact that she has lead such a disastrous government so far and that the people have not forgiven her for stabbing their PM in the back. Rudd may not have been any better a choice to lead this country, I still remember all of the mistakes that he made but one thing is for sure, he was the people’s choice and deserved the chance to fight it out with Abbott….. that is democracy!


Twitter – @Zegcartoonist
Blog – http://zegsyd.blogspot.com/

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above article are the author’s own. They should not be interpreted as reflecting any views held by Senator Barnaby Joyce or The Nationals

Guest Post – Off With His Democratic Head

30 Sep

Illustration: Zeg | click to enlarge

Submitted by collaborator and stylist, Zeg.


The most ludicrous thing (apart from the attack on free speech) about this very wrong judgement against Andrew Bolt was that Bolt was never talking about racism nor was he promoting it in the first place.

The fact is that he was promoting the opposite of racism, “UNITY” and exposing what many Australians already are aware of and that is the fact that people who do not deserve to call themselves Aboriginal are doing so even though they are several generations removed from the Original Australian Aboriginal DNA line. That is like me claiming Scottish or Irish or Welsh or German or French or English entitlement just because there is a mix of all these ethnic origins circulating within my bloodstream. I mean, I claim to be an Australian as this is where I was born and hold my loyalty too. My mother cannot help but claim her English heritage as she was born there but she can also legally say that she is an Australian because she was naturalised after she choose to emigrate here … but if my great grandmother had sexual relations with an Aboriginal Australian and a child came of that union and that child turned out to become my grandfather then I can claim Aboriginality and all of the social welfare schemes attached to that claim as much as a true Aboriginal who was born here or parents were born here and the blood line of their family is purely Aboriginal….WHAT THE?

What a deluded mess this has become and clearly many who do not deserve the tax payer funded breaks that they claim for and are simply ripping us ALL off. As Bolt said in front of the court after the verdict was announced, “We should be focusing on the things that UNITE us and not those that divide”. Well Andrew, we need that message to go back in time to at least several decades of political stooges from both major parties who used this form of apartheid (separating the internal population based on racial difference) as nothing more than a vote generator. See how they have created a nation within a nation, with it’s own laws, racial based freedoms and benefits and even a flag. How is that promoting a united nation…. What does the song say? …”WE ARE ONE BUT WE ARE MANY….” Sure we are many but thanks to the abuse of welfare and the creation of the “ABORIGINAL INDUSTRY” we are and will never be one. Mr Abbott TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!!!…… apologies to the late Ronald Reagan.

Incidentally, my brother is married to an Aboriginal woman thus my nieces are both eligible to the claim….. they don’t do it, they work hard and claim nothing. That is being Australian in my book.



Twitter – @Zegcartoonist
Blog – http://zegsyd.blogspot.com/

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above article are the author’s own. They should not be interpreted as reflecting any views held by Senator Barnaby Joyce, The Nationals, or by the barnabyisright.com blog author

Guest Post – Growing Old Disgracefully

11 Aug

Illustration: Zeg | click to enlarge

Submitted by new collaborator and stylist, Zeg.


If like me, you are a political tragic and are addicted to the weekly Monday night ABC Colosseum like show, Q and A, where Conservatives are thrown to the Leftist Lions in what is nothing more than a bloodsport, applauded by the majority left audience (do not believe the opening audience stats), AND if you are like me and you are of the more conservative mindset, then you probably felt like you had just walked into a sleazy bar and there you saw your favourite school teacher stripping to “You can leave your hat on”!!!

You see, Noni Hazlehurst, Australian actor (I loved her in her her role as Nancy Wake in the 1987 film, The White Mouse) and probably best remembered as the lovable, caring presenter of the long running children’s TV show, Play School, from 1978 to 2001, was rightfully lauded and questioned for her role in a less than ethical book reading satirical piece called, “Go the f@#K to sleep”. If you don’t know what I am talking about then just watch this….

To think that she unshamedly did this, the same woman that we entrusted to entertain, inform and let’s face it, babysit our kids for many years, is in my opinion a slap in face and a betrayal of trust. When asked about her role in this controversial piece, she basically deferred the whole thing as harmless fun that actually helps adults deal with the drama of getting small children to sleep, and then she defaulted to the fact that the real lowering of standards are all about us, on billboards and bus shelters everywhere. I agree that the way women in particular are betrayed in such advertising is sending the wrong messages but what kind of message does this attempt at humour send?

When my former wife and I had our first child, we sought advice on the issue of getting the baby to sleep from family, friends, books on the subject, and even the Tresillian Nurses Organisation. BUT if someone had handed us this book, then I would have handed it back with the comment, “How the hell does a book about swearing at and even threatening a child who won’t go to sleep help us at this time of need?”

What is it with the left and their brand of humour?

They get greatly offended when Alan Jones calls PM Julia Gillard, JULIAR and say that people on the right are disrespecting the office of the Prime Minister by referring to her as just Julia or Gillard, and then go on to say that it’s only because she is a woman that she is being disrespected and yet they hypocritically have no issue with referring to former PM, John Howard, as “Little Lying Johnny”, or leftist cartoonists drawing the foreign minister, Alexander Downer, in a pair of fish net stockings, and comedians constantly ridiculing the current Federal Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, about the fact that he wears speedos because he just happens to want to swim or run on the beach in them. For heaven sakes, they are politicians and are open to such lampooning but just don’t critique our politicians, that right Noni!?!

Seems to me that the hypocrisy of the left has no bounds and there is no measure or line of decency when it does come to satire. This book and the reading of it by Noni Hazlehurst actually did offend me and as a father and hopefully grandfather, I see this as nothing more than either a desperate act by a left over, left out lefty such as Hazlehurst (probably pissed off because they used Michael “I’ll sell my soul for money” Caton and Cate Blank-Cheque instead of her to push the Carbon Tax scam), or just another wink and nod at the anti family movement that we know these Marxist loving “Useful Idiots” so openly mock at their Northern Beaches Cocktail parties!

Sorry Noni, but you are growing old disgracefully and I am sure Big Ted is not impressed either…. in my opinion.


Twitter – @Zegcartoonist
Blog – http://zegsyd.blogspot.com/

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above article are the author’s own. They should not be interpreted as reflecting any views held by Senator Barnaby Joyce, The Nationals, or by the barnabyisright.com blog author

(although frankly, your humble blog author does wholly concur, and therefore you may feel free to ignore the preceding standard disclaimer in this instance with particular regard to the views of yours truly!)